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TQ6 Community Partnership - Community Resources Hub

This project, funded by the National Lottery, aims to help the most vulnerable people in the TQ6, Dartmouth area, to access services, directly and through improving family and community wellbeing. It is led by TQ6 Community Partnership, with South Hams CVS as the lead body for the grant.

Rural isolation, lack of connectivity between people and groups, a need for a community hub, activities for young people, as well as promotion of health and wellbeing, were all highlighted as issues based on consultation with the TQ6 community through the Placed Based Social Action process in 2018. The impact of austerity, cut backs to services, seasonal work and the increase of zero hour contracts, reduction and automation of essential services, high levels of digital exclusion, rural isolation, plus infrequent and expensive public transport are priority issues facing the community. 

The Hub aims to provide dedicated drop-in spaces in Dartmouth, which are community led, with volunteers working closely with the co-ordinators and partners for anyone who needs help. It provides a safe and trusted space for anyone who needs information, signposting, advice, use of phone or laptop, help with forms and calls and light touch support, and aims to prevent the crisis moments by being there when needed.  It is a non-judgemental space, ensuring there are no barriers to people to access support and will empower them. Organisational partners are able meet their customers and beneficiaries face to face to help them deal with issues at the earliest opportunity, building trust by working closer and more visibly with the communities they serve.

Intermediate Outcomes:

•          People in need able to access approachable and 1:1 intensive support services

•          Residents self-organising activities around needs identified by them

•          More people having a voice, being listened to and responded to

•          Service providers understanding needs and working with residents to co-produce

•          Sustainability through being volunteer led with funding sourced for project-based activities.

Overarching Strategic Outcomes:

•          Improvements in physical health

•          Improvements in mental health

•          Increased employment and volunteering

•          Reduction in crime and anti-social behaviour

•          Increased educational attainment

The partnership has plans in place to measure impact and will be working alongside C2 Connecting Communities and Exeter University to meaningfully evidence the difference they make to individuals within the community, as well as the community as a whole.

For further information contact

South Hams Community Action are members of

  • National Council for Voluntary Organisations
  • Devon Voluntary Action